

Brad Brandt,  Pastor
Contact him at:  [email protected]

Pastor Brad loves teaching the Word of God so that people will love and live for Jesus Christ.  He received biblical training from Cedarville University (B.A.), Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary (M.Div. Pastoral Studies; Th.M. Old Testament Studies), and Grace Seminary (D.Min.).  He is a certified biblical counselor and Fellow with the Associate of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC).  He has been the pastor at Wheelersburg Baptist Church since 1987, serving along  with his wife, Sherry. They have two daughters  Julie &  Katie and son-in-laws, Luke and Blake and grandson Elias, and granddaughter, Adaline.

Wilma DeCamp, Office Manager
Contact her at:  [email protected]

Wilma cares for the secretarial needs of our church office.  She counts it a blessing to serve the Lord by serving others. She has been a member of Wheelersburg Baptist Church since  2001.  Wilma and her husband, Dennis have two children, Nathan and Natalie.

Austin Haney
[email protected] 

Austin Haney is one of our Wheelersburg Baptist Church interns. He grew up in Wheelersburg and has attended WBC his entire life. Austin has a 4 year degree but is currently pursuing further education. He currently is joyfully serving in multiple youth ministries in the church as well as being an active helper with the soundboard and security team.

Douglas Goncalves
[email protected]

Douglas Goncalves, born and raised in Brazil, he grew up in a home with separated parents and unbelievers, not knowing anything about God. One day, when he was a teenager, his friends invited him to play soccer in a church gymnasium and on that day and the following weeks he heard the wonderful truths about the gospel of Jesus Christ, from the pastors leading the soccer scrimmages, where he says: “The truth of that book opened my heart and the Spirit of God gave me faith to understand that I was living a life far away from my Creator and I was denying a life close to Him. I heard for the first time that Someone loved me and demonstrated that by dying and assuring that love by conquering death rising, for my mistakes and inviting me to his family with open arms. I could no longer hold on in a life of lies and emptiness, on one of those weeks in 2003 I starting living for God’s glory and He gave me a love for His book, and church and the world mission to make disciples of every nation”. Douglas graduated from Unisinos University, in Sao Leopoldo, Brazil with a degree in Physical Education (2014), while he was in college he worked as a youth and assistant pastor in Feitoria Baptist church, for almost 7 years (the church which he got saved and was a member). In December 2015, he married Lacey Willis. Lacey is a member of WBC and met him on a mission trip to Brazil in 2011. Today they have been married almost 5 years and have one daughter, Bella, and are expecting another one next year. They serve together in Youth ministries and worship team and have a passion for discipleship and strengthening the body of Christ. Douglas is also passionate for sports and he uses sports ministries to share the Gospel through soccer clinics, coaching and officiating. Douglas and Lacey have also served at Scioto Hills Christian Camp since 2016. They desire to serve God full time and they are very thankful that God has provided them opportunities here in Wheelersburg.

Pastor Matt Wilson
[email protected]

Pastor Matt has been on pastoral staff for nearly 11 years. He loves the Scriptures and is passionate about discipleship in the local church.   He served as the Youth Pastor for about 9 years before transitioning into the Associate Pastor role.   Pastor Matt received his bachelor’s degree from Cedarville University (Athletic Training), his master’s degree from Liberty University (MBA), and was ordained in August of 2019.  Pastor Matt also works as a teacher for Pickaway-Ross CTC.  He has been married to his beautiful wife, Bethany, for 14 years, and has 4 children: Regan, Colton, Madison, and Carson.   In his spare time, he enjoys spending time outdoors, watching sports, or drinking a good cup of coffee with friends.